A New Year Brings Changes to Recycling News

New Year’s and the recycling industry have one major thing in common: they are both focused on the future. For New Year’s its obviously all about the year ahead and setting goals for self-improvement. In the recycling business, the same applies but the future also means more. We are focused on providing feedstock for the manufacturing of future products, paying close attention to what new technology and products may come the market that we will need to process in the future, and how we can invest now to improve our operations in the future. The recycling industry is all about evolution and meeting the future head on. It is with this same spirit that ISRI launched a new venture this year: Scrap News.

Scrap News is the future of recycling industry news, both in how it is delivered and how it is consumed. Society, including recyclers, has become accustomed to a 24-hour news cycle. People want the latest news at their fingertips as soon as it is available. That is what Scrap News aims to deliver.

However, news itself is not useful if it is not in the context of our industry. That is also where Scrap News comes into play. Scrap News will utilize ISRI’s expertise not only to deliver the news but provide expert analysis of what it means to the industry. Whether it is news about the commodity markets, what is happening in Washington and in the states, OSHA regulations, or international policy, Scrap News will be utilizing the knowledge and inside information ISRI has to provide recyclers with the full context of the story.

It will also be delivered in a way utilizing all the latest technology. While all the information will be centered the Scrap.org, you will have the choice to consume it in whatever ways it is easiest for you, including ISRI’s mobile app, podcasts, and social media. Scrap News will also deliver an Industry Wire email newsletter that incorporates machine learning and picks stories based on your interests!

All of the components will work together for recyclers to have more access to not only news but the entire recycling community. There are currently a variety of features that allow equipment and service providers the opportunity to better reach their customers and new resources will be rolled out in the coming weeks as well. It will bring the entire industry together in a more cohesive manner.

This is a really exciting time to be part of ISRI. We are transforming how we do things and are on the cutting-edge of how associations are communicating with its members and the general public. I am looking forward to all the great things ISRI will be doing in the coming year and will see them covered in Scrap News!