On Friday, Dec. 13, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Federal Register notice announcing availability of a proposed draft 2026 Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Stormwater Discharges (MSGP). EPA is requesting comment on its proposed draft 2026 MSGP on or before Feb. 11, 2025.

Like the current 2021 MSGP, the 2026 MSGP would apply only in DC, MA, NH, NM, and certain other jurisdictions; however, states often look to the Federal MSGP when revising their own industrial stormwater permits. A major new feature in the proposed draft 2026 MSGP is the proposed addition of PFAS indicator monitoring (without benchmark levels) for Sectors M (auto salvage) and N (recycling) and most other industrial sectors. PFAS indicator monitoring would cover the 40 PFAS listed in EPA Method 1633.

ReMA is reviewing the proposed draft 2026 MSGP and expects to submit comments. The timing of this proposal and its comment deadline introduce some uncertainty into the process for developing and finalizing the 2026 MSGP.

Questions should be directed to David Wagger, Chief Scientist/Director of Environmental Management, here or 202-662-8533.

Photo: USEPA Environmental-Protection-Agency, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

David Wagger

David Wagger

ReMA Chief Scientist / Director of Environmental Management