ReMA welcomes Aaron Triffleman-Miller as its summer intern on the economics team within ReMA’s Advocacy department. Triffleman-Miller is assisting Chief Economist Joe Pickard and Senior Economist Bret Biggers with research, analytics, and writing project during his summer internship.
Triffleman-Miller is from Port Washington, New York on Long Island, and attends Case Western Reserve University, where he is an economics major with a quantitative concentration. In March, he was admitted into the integrated masters program in finance. Triffleman-Miller will graduate in 2026 with both degrees.
“I have always been interested in recycling because of my dad (ReMA member Scott Miller, Sims Metal), and I attended a few ISRI (now ReMA) conventions with him, which is what sparked my interest,” said Triffleman-Miller. “The industry got my attention because I enjoyed the conventions so much.”
According to Triffleman-Miller, he likes writing analysis of market data, especially looking at government data because he has previously done a similar thing in econometrics, but with more coding.
Triffleman-Miller enjoys the advocacy aspects of his work and plans for a future in government. “I want to work in the government after I graduate,” added Triffleman-Miller. “Being able to see the advocacy side, the effects of policies, and what is done with the data that government organizations publish, has been really insightful.”
Join ReMA News in welcoming Aaron to the ReMA family!