On Wednesday, several of ISRI’s key committees met with an eye on planning for the future. ISRI members discussed the convention, communications strategies, and trade policy, and commodity-specific conversations continued with a meeting of the Tire and Rubber Division. Much of the day’s focus was on planning and logistics related to ISRI2021, the launch of Scrap News, and policy issues.

Here is a brief summary of each meeting:

  • The Convention Committee meeting focused on the upcoming ISRI2021 virtual convention and exposition, which will take place across two three-day periods, April 20-22 and April 27-29. Chuck Carr, ISRI’s vice president of convention and meetings, and Jason Glei, ISRI’s vice president of marketing, presented on plans for pricing, programming, the virtual exhibit hall, and networking. Carr also provided an update on future convention plans.
  • During the Communications Committee meeting, Mark Carpenter, ISRI’s vice president of communications, presented on the new Scrap News website and ISRI’s increased engagement on social media and through newsletters and other communications tools. Danielle Waterfield, ISRI’s chief policy officer and assistant general counsel, gave members an overview on how ISRI’s government relations team is communicating ISRI’s message and priorities with states and legislative associations. Adina Renee Adler, ISRI’s vice president of communications, spoke on how the government relations team is connecting with the media and her recent decision to join Twitter. Glei discussed the communication strategy for ISRI2021.
  • The Tire and Rubber Division meeting featured a presentation from John Sheerin, director of end-of-life tire programs at the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association, on two new bills being advanced by Connecticut and Colorado that would impact the scrap tire industry. Waterfield also discussed new legislation from Maryland that would impact the industry.
  • The Trade Committee meeting included an overview from Adler of the Biden Administration’s trade policy—as far as it can currently be established. She discussed the administration’s expected orientation toward China, the likelihood of small business and supply chain support, new commerce leaders ISRI will be working with in the administration, and other policy topics. She also spoke on proposals from Ghana and Switzerland to add controls on electronics to the Basel Convention and on China’s latest approaches to imports. David Eaton, ISRI’s new director of government relations, weighed in on how the Biden Administration’s executive orders of the past few weeks may impact recyclers. Billy Johnson, ISRI’s chief lobbyist, shared his thoughts on the likelihood of the Break Free from Plastic Pollution bill’s movement and on the current challenges related to container shortages.

On Thursday, members of the Education & Training Committee, the Recycling Education & Research Board, the Membership Committee, and the Government Relations Committee will meet. The day will cap off with some fun—for the first time, there will be a virtual “Great ISRI Cookoff.” It isn’t too late to register. All events are free and open to ISRI members.