The safe operation of a commercial vehicle encompasses a vast array of topics. However, there are several fundamental subjects that should be covered in truck driver training. These include:
Defensive driving techniques and safe driving habits:

How to avoid distractions, such as cell phones, while driving:

  • Strategies for maintaining a safe following distance
  • Tips for scanning the road ahead for potential hazards
  • Guidelines for sharing the road with cars, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians
  • Strategies for handling poor weather conditions and other challenging driving conditions

Hours of service regulations and managing driving conditions:

  • An overview of regulations, including at the federal and state level, and any company policies regarding HOS regulations
  • Strategies to help reduce fatigue, such as taking regular breaks and taking pre- or mid-drive naps

Cargo securement and hazardous materials handling:

Loose cargo is one of the highest risk factors for large truck crashes. For this reason, proper cargo securement is essential to helping ensure safe, incident-free transit. Training programs on this topic should include industry techniques for properly securing cargo, including regulatory and industry best practices.

Vehicle inspection and maintenance:

According to the FMCSA, maintenance issues—such as failed brakes and tire issues—were a contributing factor in nearly 40% of truck accidents. That’s why checking to make sure that trucks are in good working order is critical to the safety of drivers and the public. Drivers must be able to demonstrate the knowledge of what and when to inspect safety-sensitive equipment.

Photo by Bailey Alexander on Unsplash.