The Recycled Materials Association (ReMA) is excited to announce that the association will launch a new online members-only directory in March 2025. The online directory is a comprehensive listing of member contact information, products, and commodities. Used daily by members to build business contacts, the directory is one of the most valuable benefits of ReMA membership.
“There will always be a place for our physical directory, but with people leaving and joining new companies, the rise of mergers and acquisitions within the industry, and new members joining ReMA, the book can quickly become outdated,” said Brianna Gianti, ReMA’s vice president of membership. “With that in mind we wanted to produce a better digital product for our members and ensure the information is up-to-date and accurate.”
The latest version of the online directory includes the ability for ReMA members to search by product or service.
“Before this update, if a member was looking for a baler, wire ties, or a law firm, etc. there was no way to go through the online directory to see who offered those services and products, but now they’ll have the opportunity to do so, which benefits them and is a way for our service provider members to promote their offerings,” Gianti said.
In addition, ReMA created homepages for each member company in the online directory so when a member looks up a company, they’ll find a page that lists all the company’s locations, specific individuals in each location, as well as the commodities, products, and services connected to the company and its subsidiaries.
According to Gianti, this new online directory will be advantageous for member companies in a variety of ways.
“This is an opportunity for members to learn more about one another and drive business to their companies,” she said. “It’ll also benefit members of all types and sizes, particularly service providers that didn’t have a way to promote themselves on the old directory. Small member companies, and international members that can’t come to many in-person events will be able to network and engage in business development with members without having to leave their offices or yards. We think this will be well-received across the industry.”
The new online directory “soft launched” to current members on Saturday, February 1, to give members the chance to update their data and information before the directory goes live on Saturday, March 1.
ReMA members or non-members interested in learning more should contact