With autumn well under way and cold weather on the horizon, it’s important to prioritize best practices that will help you stay safe and warm both at home and on the job. Use the tips below from the ReMA Safety Team to ensure that when you engage in fall activities, you do so safely or not at all.

General Tips

Before venturing outside in autumn, be sure to:

  • Check that your car is ready for cooler weather. Have your tires checked and oil changed.
  • Keep supplies in your car over the fall and winter months such as bottled water, nonperishable foods, extra blankets, hats, gloves, and a cell phone charger so you can call someone in case of an emergency.
  • Dress in appropriate layers for the weather.
  • Watch out for wet floors and slippery conditions from rain, melting snow, or other issues.

Festive Lights and Candles

There’s a lot of celebrations that start in autumn and those often include lights and candles. Make sure to extinguish candles before leaving a room and keep them away from things that can burn easily including curtains, blinds, or paper towels. When decorating with lights make sure unplug them before you leave the home or go to bed.

Snow Dumps

Under pollution prevention planning you should have an established snow dump at your facility where you can pile and store your snow so when it melts the pollutants are captured. Now is a good time to go through your facility and check for any debris that would get pushed into the snow pile. Make sure you capture the debris now before you clear the site and push the material into your snow dump.


Take the time to check your heating system to make sure it’s working both at home and on the job site. Have a professional come in to inspect the heating system to make sure they are venting properly. Check for carbon monoxide and leakage from the heating system.

For your Fleet

“Talk to your fleet fuel supplier about moving to a winter blend,” said Jerry Sjogren, ReMA’s senior director of safety. “Make sure the necessary additives are already in the fuel or that you have the additives on hand to add to your fuel tank.”

Employee Safety

Remember to make sure you and your employees are staying hydrated. It’s particularly important to keep an eye on hydration when doing heavy labor like shoveling snow. Make sure your employees are taking breaks and hydrating.

Now is the time to look at your employees’ footwear to ensure that it’s waterproof and that the soles are in good shape for traction. Talk with your employees about winter clothing and the importance of layering to avoid breaking into a sweat in the cold.

“You don’t want to be wearing cotton, because if it gets wet it has no thermal value,” Sjogren said. “Instead, encourage your employees to wear wool or synthetic socks that aren’t affected by moisture. It’s important to wear clothing that can keep sweat away from your body, so you stay safe and dry.”

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.
Hannah Carvalho

Hannah Carvalho

Hannah Carvalho is the Editorial Director at ReMA. She's interested in a wide range of topics in the recycled materials industry and is always eager to learn more. She graduated from Bryn Mawr College, where she majored in History and a minored in Creative Writing. She lives in Washington, DC with her husband.