This meeting is part of the ISRI Board of Directors and Committee Meetings preceding the ISRI2022 Convention and Exposition in Las Vegas, Nevada. The meetings began Saturday, March 19 and run through Monday, March 21. Here are some highlights from the SREA Subcommittee meeting on Saturday, March 19. After Subcommittee Chairman Jim Wiseman, executive vice president of Smart Recycling Management, welcomed in new members, the SREA Subcommittee launched into its meeting with a safety message on the importance of situational awareness at ISRI2022 in Las Vegas and in recycling facilities. Wiseman provided an update on convention programming, noting SREA will have a banner and presence at the ISRI booth at the exhibit hall. There will also be a PowerPoint presentation viewing SREA and why it can be a valuable tool for members. The SREA Reasonable Care Compliance Program provides members the opportunity to obtain compliance reports on consuming facilities they do business with, protecting them from potential future liability, should a facility be named a Superfund site and the member a Potentially Responsible Party (PRP). The Superfund Recycling Equity Act (SREA) report contains a concise, user-friendly facility evaluation along with supporting backup data gathered from searching over 1,200 federal, state, and local databases; FOIA requests; and facility questionnaires. Wiseman also reviewed metrics provided by KERAMIDA, the company that produces the reports. In the last week of February 2022, members bought 3,107 reports. “We’re in a good position after two months of 2022,” Wiseman says. “We keep putting the word out and talking to people, the webinars have been great, and then there’s our outreach at convention.” Wiseman announced he will chair the subcommittee for the next two years and the subcommittee members celebrated all the work he and Andrechak have done. Additional Resources The group reviewed the subcommittee one-pager for 2022-24 and discussed the SREA requirements for the report itself and other necessary areas to qualify for the exemption. Rebecca Andrechak, ISRI staff attorney, provided an update on regulatory issues including EPA superfund policy changes under the Biden administration. Wiseman also sought to bring clarity around the timing of SREA reports, particularly that it can take 3-4 months for a report because assembling them depends on Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The subcommittee also reviewed the idea of going back to an “open season” for buying SREA reports, rather than a 12-month period.